Chasing Angus band playing

About Us

Well…what do you want to know? We’re four musicians who are pretty good at getting a crowd going. Not quite good enough to sell out the Air Canada Centre but if you’ve got a bar, if you’re having a wedding or putting on a wee festival then by George, we can entertain. We’re not your average long-haired, drum pounding, widdly-woo guitar solo, Mustang Sally playing cover band. We like to mix it up a little, kickin’ out songs that you never thought you’d hear on an acoustic guitar and throwing in some grooving tunes that you forgot all about but somehow still remember all the words to.

With a couple of acoustic guitars, a bass and some bongo’s, we dish out a celtic-inspired sound with an upbeat tempo but a laid back vibe. We try not to take ourselves too seriously – our rock-star dreams went out with pinned rugby pants and Hammer time. We just love to play tunes for people who appreciate live music and love to sing along. We can’t write music worth crap but we figured a good cover band is a hell of lot more fun to watch anyway.

So if you haven’t already seen us live get your butt off the couch and come out for a pint. You won’t be disappointed… unless you’re the only one who shows up… then it might just be kind of awkward.